(1 customer review)


SWEET MANGO the sauce is made from fresh ripe mango fruits with the addition of sweet and juicy pineapple. The very combination of the two fruits contributes to an intense taste, it is sweet and spicy, so it goes perfectly with chicken dishes and Mexican and Asian food. The sauce is slightly hot, so it is recommended for everyone who is not a fan of hot food, but likes to spice up their meal a little.

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SWEET MANGO omaka je narejena iz svežih zrelih mango plodov z dodatkom sladkega in sočnega ananasa. Sama kombinacija obeh sadežev pripomore k intenzivnemu okusu omake. Omaka se zato odlično prilagaja vsem piščančjem jedem, mehiški in azijski hrani.


Omaka vsebuje tudi malo kislosti, katera pripomore pri ojačevanju okusa jedi. Omaka je rahlo pekoča zato je priporočljiva za vse kateri niso ljubitelji pekočih omak, da si tako popestrijo svojo jed. Omako po odprtju je priporočljivo hranit v hladilniku, da bi zagotovili kakovost samega proizvoda. 

Omaka je skrbno pripravljena in narejena samo iz zdravih čili plodov in svežega manga. Na ta način si zagotovimo kvaliteto naših proizvodov in omak.


  • Thai chilli
  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Brown sugar
  • Citric acid
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Preservative: potassium sorbate


QUANTITY: 100 ml

The combination of mangoes and chilies in this hot sauce can also help reduce inflammation in the body. Mangoes contain the enzyme bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties and helps treat inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and asthma. In addition, the capsaicin contained in chilies helps reduce pain and inflammation and regulates blood pressure.

Eating this hot sauce can also promote digestion as it contains digestive enzymes that help break down food. It can also help regulate blood sugar and reduce appetite, which can help with weight control.

All these benefits show that eating fresh mango hot sauce can be a great choice to improve your health and well-being. Try adding this sauce to your diet as a seasoning for various dishes or enjoy it as a snack. The sauce also goes well with various desserts, add the sauce to your favorite flavor of ice cream or panna cotta.

SWEET MANGO hot sauce must be shaken each time to ensure the taste and heat of the sauce itself.

If you are interested in learning more about chilies and the benefits of eating the fruit, you can read more HERE

1 review for SWEET MANGO

  1. Giacomo

    Ottima salsa per i toast

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